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'The Complete Works of William Shakespeare' Abridged (Revised) (Again)

Now on stage at the Scugog Shores Village and Museum, 16210 Island Road, Port Perry. Presented by Theatre on the Ridge

Now on stage at the Scugog Shores Village and Museum, 16210 Island Road, Port Perry. Presented by Theatre on the Ridge

Joe Szekeres

‘A wacky, laugh-out-loud journey through the Bard’s 37 plays. Plenty of smiles upon exiting the Theatre on the Ridge tent.'

‘The Complete Works of Willam Shakespeare’ (Abridged) involves hilariously shortened versions of all 37 of Shakespeare’s plays. Originally created by the Reduced Shakespeare Company founding members Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield, the play is meant to be performed by three actors. Director Andy Massingham loves to re-vision and re-imagine theatre. He chose proficiently not to follow the trio format with some slicing of the text here and there and has cast five agile performers whom he affectionately calls ‘The Marx Brothers’.

Karly Friesen, Adrian Marchesano, Henry Oswald Peirson, Shannon Pitre, and Austin White perform this actor-driven play with joyful abandon and lightning speed. During my interview last week, Andy mentioned that the five-member cast is a pleasure to work with. Technically proficient, the actors are focused on not straying from the purpose of their performance—to recount Bard’s tales with merry humour.

In his Director’s Note, Massingham also calls the cast ‘top-flight physically comic.’ They speak clearly and can be heard throughout the show, which is another bonus, thanks to Lyle Corrigan’s spot-on sound design.
One of Massingham’s artistic foci is his understanding of the art form of clown. Watching these five youthful players emerge in this vein with a determined zest, they set out what they intended—to make us go to the theatre and have a good time. There are some adult language and situations, so this ‘Complete’ is not recommended for ages under 12.

Less is more for this production, and Massingham made solid choices to keep the pace moving. The set is basic, and that’s all one needs. There are some movable crates and a chair. A specific entrance/exit with flaming red curtains is placed at the back of the stage. Because this is supposed to be a laugh-out-loud, feel-good show, Lyle Corrigan’s apt selection of pre-show entrance music (which has nothing to do with any of the plays) purposefully reflects this. Many props by Ari Leroux and Carey Nicholson and several well-timed, easy-to-slip-on-and-off costume changes are the order of the day and work well.

It’s also essential to acknowledge Stage Manager Michael Williamson and assistant August Hofbauer, who have their work cut out to ensure the actors are where they should be when called. Why? Much of the humor comes from the timed entrances and exits of the actors. On the night I attended, Williamson was handling lighting duties, so Hofbauer would have been backstage, making sure everything was in its proper place.

Reflecting on the years I taught some classic Shakespearean plays, I wish I had known about Long, Singer and Wingfield’s text. It’s intelligent, clever, naughty, bawdy, and playful fun.

Massingham says in his Notes that the show is not for deep-dish intellectuals, even though there’s nothing wrong with that.

It’s a celebration of laughter. I’m sure the deep-dish intellectuals love a good belly laugh now and then. I did. My guest did too.

To try and describe what occurs during the show would be a disservice and spoil. You have to experience the community, the gathering and the laughter that can sometimes ensue from the theatre.

That’s one of the reasons why we attend.

Go and see “The Complete Works of William Shakespeare” Abridged (Revised) (Again).

Running time: approximately one hour and 45 minutes with one interval/intermission.

The production runs until August 24 at the Scugog Shores Village and Museum under the Theatre on the Ridge tent, 16210 Island Road, Port Perry. For tickets:, or call (905) 431-0977.

By Daniel Singer, Adam Long and Jess Winfield
Directed by Andy Massingham
Stage Manager and Lighting Design: Michael Williamson
Assistant Stage Manager: August Hofbauer
Fight and Movement Choreographer: Karly Friesen
Sound Design: Lyle Corrigan
Set/Production Design: the Company
Props/Costume Construction: Ari Leroux, Carey Nicholson
Props/Costume Coordinator: Isobel Robinson

Performers: Karly Friesen, Adrian Marchesano, Henry Oswald Peirson, Shannon Pitre, Austin White

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