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The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

Now on stage in the Aki Studio at Daniels Spectrum, 585 Dundas Street East, Toronto

Credit: Taylor Long Pictured: Berkley Silverman and Jameson Mosher

Joe Szekeres

Revised March 15

“Quirkiness abounds in Shifting Collective’s neurodivergent ‘Spelling Bee’ at the top of the show. The innocence of the musical veers way off course, and the production isn't as polished as it could have been. The production can gain it back."

I laugh or smile every time I see this looonnnnggg title, whether auditions are held or performances occur. “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee” is a quirky show. The six participants are odd, and the adults who should be sane are just as peculiar as the kids.

‘Spelling Bee’ revolves around an odd ensemble of young adolescents. There is homeschooled Leaf Coneybear (Ben Ridd) and loner Olive Ostrovsky (Berkley Silverman), who hasn’t paid the $25 fee to participate. Allergy-ridden and with one working nostril, William Barfee (Jameson Mosher) spells words using his feet. Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre (Lauren Taylor Scott) is politically astute, raised by two gay fathers. Chip Tolentino (Misha Sharivke) was the champion of last year’s spelling competition, but he’s showing signs of puberty. Marcy Park (Zoe Virola) is an overachiever who speaks six languages and sleeps only three hours a night.

The adult figures are just as peculiar. Vice Principal Douglas Panch (Nam Nguyen), the contest judge, has recently returned from a five-year leave of absence. We remain unaware of the circumstances surrounding his absence. Mitch Mahoney (Diana Del Rosario) is the contest's comfort counsellor who fulfills community service hours and distributes juice boxes to those who do not advance in the competition. The event host, Rona Lisa Peretti (Olivia Daniels), is the returning moderator and a former spelling champion from years past. She is now a realtor. Douglas Panch is attracted to Rona Lisa, but she does not respond to his subtle advances.

The show is also audience-participatory. There are instructions upon arrival if you wish to participate in the spelling contest during the show.

The Daniels’ Spectrum Aki Studio has been appropriately decorated to convey to the audience that we are in a school setting. Childlike pictures and posters are abundant throughout, focusing on the 3Rs (Reduce, Recycle, Reuse). The stage is fully utilized. Stage right features bleachers where the adolescent actors will sit, centre stage hosts the band, and far stage right is the table where the adult authority figures will sit.

The matinee performance was packed. I suspect many attendees were friends of the performers. Several people in front of me laughed loudly and excessively at some jokes and applauded enthusiastically at the end of various musical numbers.

I cringed.

Something was going to happen that shouldn’t have, and I saw it coming.

Some actors make the mistake of feeding off the audience's energy during shows. That can be a good thing when the situation warrants itself (say in a jukebox musical).

This is exactly what happened at this performance. Yes, it's okay for the actors to feed off the audience's energy. However, the production wasn't as polished as it could have been because the actors started one upping each other in several of the musical numbers./

There’s no sense of childhood innocence at this Sunday matinee performance. It was there at the beginning at the top of the show when the characters were introduced. Let’s not forget, however, that along with this childlike innocence and loss of it, there’s sadness in discovering the backstories of these six adolescents. These backstories are introduced through some of the song lyrics, and it’s important to listen and hear them.

This matinee audience didn’t get that. The alarming and sad backstories behind ‘Spelling Bee’ took a back seat instead. The final moment, when the audience learns how each of the participants grew into adults, falls flat.

The adult figures fare a tad stronger. Diana Del Rosario’s Mitch Mahoney is a riot. Her glare says it all and she doesn’t have to say a word. Perfect timing. Olivia Daniels appears grounded as the spelling bee moderator for most of the show. However, near the end, her voice began to crack just a tad. That could be because the cast just got off their tech week.

Nam Nguyen’s costume as Vice Principal Panch effectively positions him as the contest judge. As a retired teacher, I didn’t believe Nam’s Panch had just returned from a five-year leave of absence. Did the students at the school cause Panch’s nervous breakdown? If so, did Panch develop some nervous tic? This is something for Nguyen to consider, but it’s important as well that the nervous tic does not upstage any plot action.

Michael Ippolito is to be credited for the strongly rehearsed music direction. Al Starkey is also to be credited for ensuring the band does not overpower the singers. There are moments when the sound is muffled even though the lyrics are clear.

I genuinely believe there is a childlike heart and energy to ‘Spelling Bee,’ and Director Jennifer Walls deserves commendation for it. Two moments come to mind: the blossoming relationship between Mosher’s Barfee and Silverman’s Olive, and Zoe Virola’s Marcy, who demonstrates how exhausted she is from only getting three hours of sleep each night.

Can the production regain momentum to ensure that ‘Spelling Bee’s childlike innocence also highlights the serious themes of bullying, self-esteem, adolescent burnout, and family pressures?

Sure, it can.

To the actors: Please stay focused and grounded. Yes, let the audience laugh when appropriate. However, don’t get caught up in that energy trip. Instead, as the show progresses this week, let the dialogue speak for itself and allow the song lyrics to fulfill their purpose.

To tell a good story.

You’ve been well rehearsed because there is a good story here.

You can do it.

Running time: approximately two hours with no interval/intermission.

‘The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ runs until March 15 in the Aki Studio of the Daniels Spectrum, 585 Dundas Street East. For tickets, email or call (416) 531-1402.

Music and Lyrics by William Finn
Book by Rachel Sheinkin
Conceived by Rebecca Feldman
Directed by Jennifer Walls
Music Director: Michael Ippolito
Choreographer: Nicholas Rocque
Sound Designer: Al Starkey
Lighting Designer: Niall Durcan
Stage Manager: Liam Cox

Performers: Ben Ridd, Berkley Silverman, Diana Del Rosario, Jameson Mosher, Lauren Taylor Scott, Misha Sharivke, Nam Nyguen, Olivia Daniels, Zoe Virola.

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